July 31, 2018

Man (or Woman) cannot live on coffee alone. Although there have been days we've tried :-)

But seriously, we here at ԳAVAT (pronounced "Kavat") Coffee feel like giving back is an important aspect to our business model and from jumpstart, decided that we would set aside a portion of our net proceeds and donate them to a worthy cause.

There are certainly no shortage of worthy causes for people and businesses alike to support, but alas, we had to make a choice. ԳAVAT Coffee is proud to support Tumo, a Center For Creative Technologies in Armenia that empowers and educates the youth throughout the country and beyond. 

Centered at the crossroads of technology and design, Tumo's educational program is made up of self-learning activities, workshops and project labs around 14 learning targets. These include animation, robotics, filmmaking, programming, 3D modeling, graphic design, web design, motion graphics and more. 

No other place in Armenia or throughout the world quite honestly provides the technical cultivation, self empowerment, and skill set to eager youth like Tumo does.

All of this is offered FREE OF CHARGE to over 14,000 teenagers throughout Armenia. Wow!

For a quick snapshot of what Tumo is and why we chose to support such a worthy organization, check out the video below.

